We’re More Than Just Live Events

For more than a decade, TurnoutNow has been leveraging AI, Machine Learning and Analytics to create groundbreaking business solutions in the Live Event space. We remain committed to deliver innovative Live-Event solutions, but we are expanding our focus to create new offerings that are architected on our core AI and Analytics foundation. CognitiveSearch is the first of these that supports multiple use cases beyond Live Events. It transforms the digital search experience by searching all digital assets for spoken words and providing dynamic, highly personalized recommendations. Coupled with our deep Analytics, we can provide customers with deep insights into user behavior. More solutions will follow. Looking ahead, our mission remains clear: To provide AI-powered solutions that deliver exceptional user experiences.

Our Portfolio

Attendee Tracking

Our Live Event Solutions utilize advanced AI and proprietary Bluetooth technology to provide comprehensive event intelligence and Analytics.

Attendee Tracking

Our Live Event Solutions utilize advanced AI and proprietary Bluetooth technology to provide comprehensive event intelligence and analytics.


Elevate event networking and engagement with our AI-driven platform, revolutionizing attendee experiences with real-time analytics and next-gen communications.


Elevate event networking and engagement with our AI-driven platform revolutionizing attendee experiences with real-time analytics and next-gen communications.


Transforms digital search by offering personalized, AI-driven recommendations and deep Analytics to enhance user engagement across vast digital landscapes.


Transforms digital search by oering personalized, AI-driven recommendations and deep analytics to ehnance the user engagement across vast digital landscapes.


Our deep Analytics Engine captures granular movements, actions, click tracking, and more to develop findings and lessons learned.


Our deep Analytics Engine captures granular movements, actions, click tracking and much more to develop findings and lessons learned.

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